February 28, 2019

Chief Anthony Tosan Prest

Chief Anthony Tosan Prest, in a historic suit (FHC/L/CS/235/19) filed at the Federal High Court, Ikoyi, Lagos is seeking enforcement of his fundamental human rights under relevant sections of the 1999 constitution (as amended) and the African Charter of Human & People’s Rights.

The application is on behalf of himself and desirous Nigerians seeks rights for

- Cultivating or planting Cannabis Sativa plants for MEDICAL , industrial and horticultural purposes in a regulated and controlled environment for commercial use

- Making and /or using products with preparation of extracts of cannabis for the treatment of medical
ailments, disease conditions and/or for the purposes of the best physical and mental health.

This because marijuana is also a life saving drug and it can heal our body from over 1000 different diseases.

Save lives From Needless Deaths . Knowledge And Science Agree That The First Person That Will live For 200 Years Has Been Born:

When marijuana is legalized, people will get rid of diseases like Cancer and many more. It will also help in improving people's health. 

Marijuana is not a drug, it’s a medical drug for Patients which will help to fight / cure  against their diseases such as  :Cancer , Inflammation and Autoimmunity , Neurodegenerative Diseases,Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms , CBD Potentially Benefits Schizophrenia , CBD Reduce Seizures , CBD Reduces Anxiety , CBD Relieves Pain , CBD Beneficial for Rheumatoid Arthritis , Cannabidiol Relieves Nausea and Increases Appetite , Cannabidiol Lower Diabetes Risk , Cannabidiol Protects  the Heart , Cannabidiol Reduce Depression , Cannabidiol Helps with Inflammatory Bowel Disease , Cannabidiol  Protects Against Bacteria , Cannabidiol. 

Protects Against Mad Cow Disease , Cannabidiol Enhances Bone Growth , CBD  Helps Movement Disorders (Dyskinesia) , Cannabidiol Help with Insomnia , Cannabidiol Help with Substance Use Disorders , Cannabidiol Helps with Quitting Smoking , Cannabidiol Reduce Acne , Cannabidiol  Plays a Role in Psoriasis ,Anorexia, AIDS,Chronic pain,Spasticity,Cachexia,epilepsy,Severenausea ,Glaucoma,Arthritis,Migraines and more than 1000 other diseases . 

Create Jobs:
Marijuana Legalization will create jobs on top of the other economic benefits. It’s claimed that legalizing marijuana will create over a million  jobs that simply never exists.

Less Dangerous Than Alcohol & Tobacco:

Marijuana is said to be less dangerous and less addictive than alcohol & Tobacco excessive drinking and smoking are two of the main causes of preventable death in the U.S. The CDC reports that drinking causes 480,000 deaths in the United Stated and smoking. Some Study shows that alcohol is a hundred and fourteen times more dangerous than marijuana.

The hemp is actually the cousin of marijuana but I have none of the psychoactive drug effects that marijuana does but in Nigeria it’s just as illegal despite this difference. Hempis actually, a crop that has been grown for 10,000 years and used to make all kinds of products including tough hemp fibre, hemp oil wax, resin rope, cloth paper and fuel. It could also make a great biofuel and the growing is also good for the soil

Conservative estimates say that legalizing weed would generate 100 Billion Dollars in Nigeria if it was tacked in like alcohol and tobacco 

Not Hazardous:
Criminalization in the first place was a lie to begin with the hazards of marijuana haven’t gotten less and the drug hasn’t gotten safer the
danger was just never there, to begin with it claim that the perils were exaggerated for almost 50 years by the big Pharmaceutical Company’s because they could not patent the free plant that anyone can grow to cure themselves and family and came from a time when people didn’t fully understand why affected humans in the way it did this uncertainty was seized upon in 1971 by president Nixon who used it to justify his war on drugs.

Medical Marijuana:
Marijuana has medical benefits proponents of this argument point of research says marijuana helps with a number of ailments including epilepsy chronic pain of all kinds and the treatment of glaucoma Crohn’s disease and muscle spasms historians have found evidence going back almost 5,000 years that ancient doctors use cannabis to cure everything from Cancer to insomnia and even help with poor memory patients.

Medical cannabis, or medical marijuana, is cannabis and cannabinoids that are prescribed by physicians for their patients. The Cannabis plant has a history of medicinal use dating back thousands of years in many cultures. Some medical organizations including the UNITED NATIONS have requested removal of cannabis from the list of controlled substances, followed by regulatory and scientific review.

Countries that allow the medical use of whole-plant cannabis include Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Portugal, and Uruguay, amongst others. In the United States, 52 states and the District of Columbia have legalized cannabis for medical purposes, beginning with the passage of California’s Proposition 215 in 1996. [Other derivatives from industrial hemp include the cake for cattle feed; oil extract from the seeds used for varnishes, paints, and inks; fibre of the stalk used for bags, clothing, canvass, rope, paper products, cardboards, ethanol; etc]

The criminalization of the Cannabis Sativa plant in Nigeria prohibited the cultivation of any specie of the plant with a low level of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in Nigeria, including the industrial hemp specie. This and the absence of a legal framework for authorization/approval in Nigeria to cultivate industrial hemp for commercial gains, as in other climes, has prevented potential investors like Chief Prest from participating in the global trade of industrial hemp which is projected to be worth $980 Billion USD in 10 Years.

The sum of N10 million has been sought as damages occasioned by failure to exercise his rights to engage in the Medical and commercialization opportunities due to lack of regulated and controlled environment by government.
Chief Anthony Prest is a Business man, Social Advocate and Campaigner for the Rights of the Citizenry of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.,

For more information, please Contact: Chief Anthony Tosan Prest 


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